Wednesday, August 10, 2011

stephen rue's Pink Ribbon Rouxster Art for Susan G Komen Foundation for a Cure at New Orleans Dirty Linen Night

RE: Stephen Rue "ROUX-STER ART" Exhibit during Dirty Linen Night (Saturday August 13, 6-9 PM)

PINK RIBBON ROUXSTER auctioned to Benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation for a Cure

LOCATION: Windsor Fine Art, 221 Royal Street
DATE & TIME: Dirty Linen Night, August 13, 6-9 PM

New Orleans Attorney/Artist Stephen Rue is pleased to announce a very special art exhibit during this Saturday's Dirty Linen Night. Stephen Rue has created a special original sculpted painting entitled PINK RIBBON ROUXSTER which will be auctioned at his ROUX-STER ART EXHIBIT during Dirty Linen Night with 100% of the proceeds of the PINK RIBBON ROUXSTER benefitting the Susan G. Komen Foundation for a Cure. Artist Stephen Rue's "ROUX-STER" Art has become an art series in high demand. The "ROUX-STERS" (Federal Trademark pending) have been created by Stephen Rue since July of 2010. They now can be found in restaurants. homes and businesses throughout New Orleans, and the rest of the country.

The event is open to the public.

Stephen Rue invited the media as well to come and interview Stephen Rue about his ROUX-STER ART on this very fun occasions. Over 30 ROUX-STER will be available for sale.

Contact Information: Stephen Rue
(504) 319-9990

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